Meetings are a necessary part of any business’ organization. You need to get the right people together to discuss the facets of your company and the agenda items at hand. Without the proper structure, these meetings can use up value resources and time, preventing you from completing what needs to be done.
These tips can help you make your meeting more successful with the full cooperation from all your employees.
Invite The Right People
Having a meeting and inviting everyone on staff is counterproductive. You need to make sure you have only the employees that are affected by the topic included, leaving others to continue with their responsibilities as necessary. Think about what positions are truly impacted by the meeting and require their attendance as a way to get up to speed on the project you are working on.
Pick A Suitable Time
You want as much “buy-in” to your meeting discussion as possible and holding a meeting right before lunch or the end of the day can be distracting. You want the full focus of all attendees and the time you select for your meeting can make a difference in how involved your team really is. Holding your meeting midmorning or midafternoon will yield the best results and make sure you have everyone’s full attention without wandering minds.
Create An Agenda
No one likes surprises and holding a meeting without letting attendees know the discussion plans will create unpreparedness with your staff. You want everyone to have their part of the project ready to-go, and an agenda in advance will let everyone know what is expected of them. Prepare your agenda with enough advance notice, so your attendees can come ready with the information that is needed from them.
Table Off-Topic Discussions
It is inevitable that your meeting will take a roundabout turn to other topics. It is important not to squash good ideas, but you need to leave them to a later date when time allows for a more in-depth overview. When discussions start to veer off course, rein it in, and make a note of the idea for a later time
Start Your Meeting On Time
Starting a meeting late can be annoying for everyone involved. Your staff has plenty of responsibilities to keep up with and meetings that start late cuts into their work time. Be prompt with the start of your meeting and make it clear to all attendees that coming late to a meeting is discouraged and unacceptable.
Hold Your Meeting In A Comfortable Space
Making sure that everyone is comfortable during your meeting will make it easier for them to pay attention. You will have their full focus if you hold your meeting in a space that is conducive to your agenda. If you need to show visuals, make sure you have an area designated to do this. All equipment should be functioning properly and ready to-go on your meeting day.
Ban Distractions
Cell phones and laptops can be a major distraction during any meeting. Make a point of banning the use of these devices during your meeting. You will be more productive and get through your agenda faster if everyone is paying attention at all times and following the discussion.
Keep Your Meeting Concise
Having a meeting that goes longer than is necessary will lose your attendees as they begin to begrudge you for taking up their valuable time. Keep it short and to the point. A lot can be accomplished in a short amount of time if planned accordingly. If discussions need to continue past the slotted meeting time, plan to follow up individually with those that need the additional information.
Having a structure and flow to your meeting is key to its success. Remember to stay on topic and keep your attendees engaged. Resolute Technologies can help propel your IT business forward and give your company the insight it needs to reach new heights. Contact us now to learn how we can help you.